M&G Industries Inc.


Eye Hoist Hooks

Eye Hoist Hooks

Carbon or Alloy Steel with or without Latch

Conversion Calculator
Eye Hoist Hooks / Carbon or Alloy Steel
Size (WLL)   Weight with Latch
Carbon Alloy A B C D E F G H J K (Lbs.)
3/4 ton 1 ton  1.50 .75 .38 .88 .63 .94 2.88 .75 4.38 3.25 .60
1  1-1/2 1.75 .88 .44 1.00 .69 1.06 3.13 .81 4.88 3.63 .82
1-1/2  2 2.00 1.13 .44 1.19 .81 1.06 3.50 1.00 5.50 4.13 1.44
2  3 2.38 1.25 .59 1.38 .94 1.22 3.94 1.19 6.31 4.56 1.94
3  4-1/2 3.00 1.56 .69 1.63 1.19 1.50 5.00 1.50 7.94 5.75 3.94
5 7 3.81 2.00 .88 2.06 1.50 1.88 6.25 1.75 10.00 7.38 7.75
7-1/2 11 4.69 2.44 1.13 2.63 1.63 2.25 7.56 2.25 12.44 9.06 13.00

Eye Hoist Hook Minimum Breaking Strength = 5 x W.L.L.

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